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May the FORCE be with you.

~Vitality Shows in not only the ability to persist, but the ability to start over~ Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality 1~Moving With Attention, Wake up to life, Mindful Movements 2~The Learning Switch, Bring in the New, Lifelong Learning, Retraining 3~Subtlety, Experience the Power of Gentleness 4~Variation, Enjoy Abundant Possibilities 5~Taking Your Time, Slowing Down, Not Rushing, Luxuriate in the Richness of Feeling 6~Enthusiasm, Turn the Small into the Great 7~Flexible

Let Go, Let Go, Let Go.

~Why Letting Go of What We Want Enables Us to Get What We Need The first time I felt this paradox was in the middle of savasana after a challenging yoga class. I think that yoga is a metaphor for life, and this is exactly why. Savasana is the final resting pose in which you lay flat on your back, close your eyes, and do nothing. A super yummy savasana

Love Love Love

“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun, like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” –Mr. Rogers Over the years, we form a lot of ideas about what love is, oftentimes based on unrealistic hopes and standards. We learn what we think it’s supposed to look like, and we may

Dear Yoga

Dear Yoga, You’ve changed my life. I think it’s important to share with my clients moments in my life that have helped me evolve. You are always so gracious and trusting to let me into your personal space, allowing me to help you transform your lives in ways you may not even share with me. I’m a believer that the universe unravels itself as it may. This past year I’ve

Your PRESENCE is the best gift of all.

As I conclude 2016, I’m reflecting on my own personal work. I am proud to say I’ve tried my best, some days better than others, to stay present. My affirmations have been to be in the moment, stay with it and be conscious of it. Recognize that yesterday is in the past, behind me. Today and everyday is a new day and that the future can’t be changed by any

Use it or lose it

Friendly reminder cherished clients… Most Extended Health Care Coverage expires at the end of December! The next two months are busy for massage here at Red Door. Book ahead early to save your spots and use up that massage coverage you’ve already payed into. This past month has had me thinking about small business quality control. About the quality of my own practice and how I’ve become hyper-aware about the

What Steve Said

I recently watched a Bio Documentary about Steve Jobs. Thought I’d pass on one of his awesome insights. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” J.

Like a cloud

Be soft. Don’t build a hard, solid self full of fixed ideas and firm beliefs. Be soft so that you don’t create friction, or clash with the world but accept and absorb your experience with ease. Be soft so that disappointments and insults don’t bruise you but bounce harmlessly away after your softness has absorbed their force. Be soft so that thoughts and emotions can’t attach themselves to you and

Be A Kind Human

“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind.” ~Khalil Gibran This month has brought me several situations that I have had to reflect upon. How do I react? What are the lessons within these struggles? I’ve learned from my readings of Eckhart Tolle that when others live in the state of unconsciousness it is a gift to us. When others are unkind,

Wherever you are, be all there.

Have you noticed that time seems to go by faster as you get older? Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries all come and go—and before we know it, here they come again. One theory neuroscientists have is that when we are young we have more novel experiences. These novel experiences create more vivid memories. As we age, we have less “new” or “first time” experiences. There are no unique memories to stand

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